Hi everybody!
Today I want to talk a little bit about melee combat:
Despite being a wizard, melee combat is a vital part of the way in which Alicia deals with her enemies. Alicia is more like a Gandalf-type warrior wizard than a traditional pure spellcaster archetype. With her enchanted whip in hand, she’s a nimble close-quarters fighter, capable of dishing out loads of damage as she runs (and jumps) circles around her target. You can see towards the end of this gif that Alicia uses a charged attack to lay down the finishing blow, which is the first of a slew of melee upgrades she’ll acquire over the course of the game to help her take down enemies.
Speaking of enemies, skeletons like the one here are always a fun fight. The pickaxes they toss out aren’t too much of a problem if you can keep your eye on them and make some well-timed jumps, but losing track of them or mistiming a dodge can lead to some serious hurt. Get in a room with two or three of of skeletons though, and you better be prepared to thread the needle between a storm of pickaxes if you want to escape unharmed.