As always, I have been busy developing the game. I enjoy starting new areas, making all the graphic tiles, designing the rooms, adding enemies, etc. And it’s fun to see people play the game and get their feedback. However, this month especially has not been much of a joyride because of some engine issues. The game runs all right on most computers, but on some Windows 7 machines, it either runs slow (30 fps) or stutters heavily. It’s very discouraging. I’ve tried to get a hold of several “average” machines to do some testing, but they all run the game fine. I’m sure it boils down to the platform I’m using to build the game. The good news is that the game could be ported to c++ by a coding genius once it’s finished, and so those issues wouldn’t be a problem then. In any case, I’m crossing my fingers.
On another subject, it’s likely that we’ll have a new musician working on the soundtrack of the game. I’m sure it’s going to be awesome, but I want to post about it once it’s certain.
And, lastly, I will be presenting this game in a local gamedev reunion the 7th of March. I’ll tell you about how that goes, too.
Meanwhile, I leave a few scans from the early sketches of the game-world, and also the first area. I think I did these as I was trying to figure out the basic skeleton of the story. I do remember facepalming when it occurred to me to use Photoshop. Things have changed a lot since then, so I don’t think I’m spoiling anything (ignore that floating island!). The first two are early tries with the world design, and the paths I thought would be nice for the player to take. It looks clean and simple compared to the current storyline-path.If you’d like to see me post more development material like this, let me know.